Financial Analysis for Startup Businesses

Testimonial Transcription:

Richtr really spent the time to understand my business, they listened to my concerns, they understood what I was bringing to the table, but also that there were gaps in my knowledge, my understanding of accounting and taxes and things like that. And they were able to explain it to me in layman’s terms.

At first it started with accounting, like how do I set up quickbooks? Ho do I make this work? But it became very apparent that I was going to benefit from somebody who could actually help me analyze my business. And so they were able to bring analysis services and cash flow services to my business that I hadn’t even thought of. They were able to help me think about tax strategies throughout the year rather than that last minute freak out session that happens before taxes are due.

They were able to make sure I understood the implications of investment decisions for the business. When was a good time to do it? How to build the credit of the business? They offer what I consider to be a complete back-office solution for businesses of all sizes, and I can’t be more thankful that I found them.

Because I’ve been working with Richtr, I’ve been able to increase revenue 50% year over year. This is only possible because I’m not worried about the back-office things. I’m worried about doing the things and making the moves and investing where it’s going to help my business grow. I’ve also been able to streamline the technology that I use to run my business. These are places I couldn’t have focused if I didn’t have the guidance and assistance of a team like Richtr.

I can’t recommend Richtr enough and the reason for that is it goes beyond the state which my business is in. It’s sound, it’s profitable. I’m saving money as a result. But there’s no price for the peace of mind that comes from knowing your business is structured for success and that you’re using the latest technology to be successful. And most importantly, you’re not going to be surprised by changing regulatory environments or tax requirements. Cannot recommend them enough.

Chad Sanderson

Managing Partner

Value Prime Solutions